Games companies

Latest additions

Name Games published Date added
Jasper and Jonas 1 2024-04-19
Lykke Studios 1 2024-04-19
Kakehashi Games 1 2024-04-19
Vaka Gamez 1 2024-04-19
Remke Albrecht 1 2024-04-19
MeNic Games 1 2024-04-12
crim 1 2024-04-12
Erlano 1 2024-04-12
Travellin Cats 1 2024-04-12
Aggro Crab Games 1 2024-04-12

Most published

Name Games developed Games published
Hamster 0 416
Ratalaika Games 0 272
eastasiasoft 0 214
RedDeerGames 0 135
QUByte Interactive 0 128
QubicGames 0 124
Nintendo 20 121
Forever Entertainment 0 107
Sometimes You (Evgeniy Kolpakov) 0 91
Plug In Digital 0 89

How to join

If you're a Switch developer or publisher, join Switch Scores and get access to our games company dashboard.

Switch Scores - Games company dashboard


  • Get in touch with reviewers. If you're looking for sites to review your games, we've got you covered. Reviewers who have opted in to share their details with games companies will be listed on the dashboard. (Not shown on the screenshot for privacy reasons.)
  • Fill in the gaps with review coverage. If your game has already been covered by a few sites and you're not sure who to ask next, our unique review coverage feature will show you who has and hasn't covered your game. We suggest you keep track of who you've already asked :)
  • A public profile page for your company. Our pages are often ranked highly on Google - particularly for smaller studios.
  • Keep track of reviews for your Switch titles. If your games are reviewed by our review partners, you'll be able to access these from the dashboard.
  • See which of your games are ranked or unranked. We need a minimum of 3 reviews to rank a game. If any of your games are unranked, you'll be able to see this here.

Getting access

There are two ways you can get access to the games company dashboard:

  1. Go to the login page and sign up with Twitter. Then get in touch and we'll complete the setup for you.
  2. If you've got an invite code, you can register with your email address and a password - no need to use Twitter. There's an added bonus if you go this route: we can create an invite code that will automatically give you access to your details on the games company dashboard. Get in touch and we'll be happy to give you an invite code.

Working with developers

We have focused more on publishers as the data is more readily available. We'll happily work with developers too, but we may need a bit more help with filling in any missing details.

Need help?

If you run into any issues, or you'd like an invite code, get in touch and we'll be happy to help.