- Profile

General info

Site URL
Twitter ID ps4blog_net
Review count 1163
Average score 7.9

Score distribution

Score Review count  
1 0
2 0
3 1
4 1
5 9
6 30
7 179
8 528
9 395
10 20

All stats on this page refer to Nintendo Switch reviews only. Any other platforms reviewed by this site are not included in these figures.

Where scores are awarded that are not whole numbers, these have been rounded up or down for the distribution stats. E.g. Anything from 7.5 to 8.4 would be rounded to an 8. 8.5 would round to a 9.

Latest reviews from

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Game Date Rating vs avg Link
Genso Manege 2025-01-31 8.5 N/A
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero 2025-01-23 8.5 +0.87
Voice Love on Air 2025-01-17 8.0 N/A
Loco Motive 2025-01-10 8.5 +0.52
Maki: Paw of Fury 2025-01-08 5.5 +0.67
MiceGard 2024-12-23 7.5 +0.43
Zero to Dance Hero 2024-12-20 8.0 N/A
Super Spy Raccoon 2024-12-19 7.5 +0.15
Dungeons 4 2024-12-17 8.0 N/A
Cook for Love 2024-12-12 7.5 N/A
Platform 8 2024-12-10 7.5 +0.50
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit 2024-12-06 7.5 -0.03
Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island 2024-12-04 8.5 +0.80
Savant: Ascent Remix 2024-12-03 8.5 N/A
Carpathian Night Starring Bela Lugosi 2024-11-29 8.0 +0.50
Taito Milestones 3 2024-11-28 8.0 +0.34
Kumakichi's Birth: Destruction God 2024-11-22 5.5 N/A
Virche Evermore Epic: Lycoris 2024-11-20 8.0 N/A
Miss Rosen's Wowtastic! Marching Band 2024-11-20 7.0 N/A
Let's Sing 2025 with UK Hits 2024-11-18 8.5 N/A

The "vs avg" column shows how each review compares with the average rating recorded for a game. Green/positive numbers indicate reviews with ratings above the average; red/negative numbers indicate ratings below the average. If a rating equals the average (which is fairly uncommon), a grey 0.00 will be shown instead. Games with fewer than 3 reviews will show "N/A" as the average rating is not as useful with only 1 or 2 reviews in total.