Homepage stats changes, and tidying up upcoming games

Back in August, we posted about removing the TBA titles from our Upcoming games page.

Today, we've gone one step further, and removed most of the Upcoming games with only vague dates against them - such as Q1 2019 (dates with quarters), and 2019-XX (years only).

It's not a huge change, but with Upcoming games mostly linking to empty game pages, the value of that doesn't seem worthwhile. Plenty of other sites and Twitter feeds keep on top of future game releases - we're more about ranking the games that are available.

As a result, our homepage stats and links have now changed slightly. Instead of showing the number of Upcoming games, we're now showing the number of Ranked games - as in, games with enough reviews to feature on our Top Rated lists.

We've also swapped out the Release calendar link next to the logo for the Games on sale page. The calendar is linked at the top anyway, so it makes sense to give Games on sale a little more prominence.

There are lots more improvements in the works, and a few recent changes we haven't posted here :) The "Games on sale" page would be a good place to start. Ooh look, Diablo III is 30% off...

Published: 10th Dec 2018 22:08