Featured game: In Other Waters

New to Switch Scores: We'll be showcasing a few games on our news page that are getting some review buzz. This is an extension of the featured games box on the homepage, which is backed up with a bit more content than just a link to the game page. Got feedback? Let us know on Twitter: @switchscores.

About the game

In Other Waters is developed by Jump Over the Age, and published by Fellow Traveller. Here's a description from the publisher:

In Other Waters tells the story of Ellery Vas, a xenobiologist who discovers extraterrestrial life while searching for her missing partner. When Ellery is called to planet Gliese 677Cc by Minae Nomura, only to arrive at an abandoned base, she finds herself adrift in an ocean of secrets, with little more than a malfunctioning diving suit and a strange AI to guide her. You are this AI.

Guide Ellery—and keep her safe—as you dive deeper and explore an underwater alien landscape. The planet’s unique life, and its dark history, are yours to uncover and the bond between you and Ellery will be tested by the secrets you learn. Through this shifting narrative, In Other Waters asks questions about the nature of “natural” and “artificial” life, and investigates what it means to be a human in an epoch of extreme environmental destruction. For life to continue, it must change.

How does it rank?

In Other Waters currently has a score of 8.25, calculated from 6 partner reviews. This puts it as the No 1 game for April 2020, 20th highest ranked this year, and rank 222 overall.

See the game page for In Other Waters here.

As always, it's worth checking out the reviews, not just the scores. For this game, there is one review rated 9.5, two reviews at 9.0, one at 8.0, and two at 7.0. So a bit of a spread.

If you do check it out, let us know what you think!

Published: 16th Apr 2020 16:24

In Other Waters
Title In Other Waters
Rank 589/4232
Average rating 8.18
eShop price £13.49
Europe release 3rd Apr 2020
Players 1
Developer(s) Jump Over the Age
Publisher(s) Fellow Traveller (Surprise Attack)

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